Christmas this year was low key and very sweet. Ordinarily, I'm sooooo excited for Christmas well in advance of December. My birthday is November 2nd, and immediately after I'm usually everything Christmas all the time: christmas music, christmas decorations, christmas coffee drinks, christmas shopping, christmas parties, etc. Festive, festive, festive. But this year, I didn't feel it. I think it was probably adjusting to baby Willa joining our crew, recovering from pregnancy and still acclimating to our move that had me otherwise focused. Thankfully though, once our family christmas festivities started, I began to really feel grateful for the holidays and thoroughly enjoyed visiting and catching up with all our loved ones. Everyone was so overwhelmingly generous to the girls with their time, affection and of course, gifts. We couldn't be more thankful for our sweet families and how much they love us and our girls. We feel the exact same way about all of them.
Chad & Karly were in town from Vancouver. We were so happy to host them for a few nights while they were here. They are so helpful with the girls and really take the time to connect with them when they're here. It's obvious how much they love them and it does my heart so much good to see how much Navy loves them in return ♡ |
Uncle Chad holding baby Willa for the first time ♡ |
This is the hold the chiropractor has us doing to potentially help little Willa with her reflux. She seems to be MUCH happier in this position, so bless everyone's heart, over christmas this is the way she was held and and how she appears in virtually every photograph haha. |
Mom holding baby Willa and Chad holding his furbaby Lady Nacho, on the 23rd at my Dad's place. |
Nanny & the girls |
Dad with Navy & Willa. |
Navy got to be Santa at our family Christmas exchange with Auntie Brooke, and had the time of her life doing so. So fun to remember how much I loved doing this as a kid and now my baby girl is assuming the role. Cue the waterworks and talk of full circles. |
Willa and Daddy sharing a little moment. She had such a hard day that day, but when Ryan arrived from work he seemed to have the magic touch. So so grateful for his help that night and always ♡ |
Navy and Auntie Miranda. Can't wait for her and Tyrone's wedding this summer! |
Lil' Willa with Nanny, Brooke & Tyrone
Navy enjoying the rocking horses at Grandma & Papa's! |
Cousin Brock being more and more of a toddler these days. He and Navy are only 8 months apart! So special to have cousins so close in age ♡ |
Goofy cousin Hunter. At 3.5 he's the sweetest older cousin to Navy, always playing with her so gently and kindly. Also gets the biggest belly laughs out of her. Love these boys so much. |
Grandma & Baby Willa ♡ And would you look at little Willa's festive outfit?! Thanks Nanny! It fit her just in time. |
Auntie Tara with the magic touch. |
♡♡♡ |
Hunter taking Navy for rides on the vintage Radio Flyer around Grandma & Papa's house...otherwise known as the Grandkids' happy place :) |
We all couldn't believe how much little Willa looks like Ryan as a baby! And here I thought she was my little mini haha. |
Happy girl with that juicy double chin! So precious ♡ |
Grandkids getting measured on the wall with Grandma. |
It truly was a winter wonderland at the Baum's on Christmas day. Such gorgeous snow and the sunset was just spectacular. It was pretty chilly but the kiddies got out to enjoy it for a bit. Caught Navy gazing at Ryan as he came outside in this picture. Love how much she loves & connects with her daddy ♡ |
Cousin Hunter walking with his arm around Navy. I mean, what a little gentleman! |
Brocky...little heart crusher. |
Papa taking the kiddos out for a tractor ride. Navy wasn't super keen to try on Christmas Day but I have a feeling she'll be very excited to try it next time. She always takes a moment to warm up to new things ♡ |
Papa in his element. |
Beautiful boys. |
Baby Willa in her matching Jammies to the rest of the cousins. Thanks Grandma & Papa for the adorable gifts! |
It was the greatest gift, having Willa here for Christmas this year ♡♡♡ |
Hard to get her to look towards the camera but we did our darnedest haha. Such a little cute ♡ |
Navy with her staticky hair and gem stone stickers all over her face 😂. This was the best pic we could get with both of them together in matching jams, and I will forever love it. So perfectly imperfect ♡ |
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