Nov 18, 2013

belated celebration // lincoln's on the mend

Soooo forever ago our realtor couriered a bottle of champagne to my dad's house (as ryan and I have anything but a permanent address at the moment). Its taken me this long to (a) finally go see our sweet little memphis the cat, (b) visit my dad and siblings at his place and (c) pick up that bottle of champagne. I am a procrastinator of epic proportions…I'm realizing *_*.  So on Friday night we had a very belated celebratory evening-in, courtesy of our realtor. We celebrated 7 weeks of being gypsies, Ryan's new job, the progress on our new home, and just how grateful we are to have each other to go through this experience together. Its been so random and so fun! Definitely worth celebrating. 

In other news, Lincoln is on the mend! We're even letting him have a little supervised time without the cone. And it is GOOD. Even little breaks from that crazy cone hitting everything in it's path…sweet, sweet relief for everyone involved. And I'm very happy to report he'll be officially cone-free after his final visit to the vet this Friday. O happy day!


  1. Yay! You guys have SO much to celebrate right now and I love that you're taking the time to do it. So often life just whirls by and I forget to stop and take it all in. P.S. I can't wait until Memphis is on the scene again!

    1. Thanks so much Carly! As do you!! And I agree, Memphis is certainly missed around here. Looking forward to him being a part of our little family again soon!


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